Glenn Close (who is Glenn Close?)

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Glenn Close is an iconic American actress with a career spanning several decades, known for her remarkable versatility and emotional depth in a wide array of roles. Below is an extensive look into her life, career, notable works, and achievements.

Early Life and Education

  • Born on March 19, 1947: Glenn Close was born in Greenwich, Connecticut.
  • Family Background: She comes from a prominent family with socialite roots.
  • Early Upbringing: Close had a unique upbringing, which included time spent in the Moral Re-Armament (MRA) movement, a religious cult her family was part of for many years.
  • Education: She attended the College of William & Mary, where she studied theater and anthropology.

Career Highlights

  • Theater Beginnings: Close's professional stage debut came in 1974 in a production of "Love for Love." Her Broadway debut followed in 1974's "Love for Love."
  • Film Debut: She first appeared on the big screen in 1982 in "The World According to Garp," starting her career with critical acclaim.
  • Breakthrough Roles: Her early work in films like "Fatal Attraction" and "Dangerous Liaisons" solidified her as a versatile and powerful actress.
  • Diverse Characters: Throughout her career, Close has taken on diverse roles in various genres, from drama and thriller to comedy and musicals.

Notable Works

  • Film: She is renowned for films such as "Fatal Attraction" (1987), "Dangerous Liaisons" (1988), "101 Dalmatians" (1996), and "The Wife" (2017).
  • Television: Her work in TV includes critically acclaimed roles in "The Shield" and leading roles in series like "Damages," for which she won Emmy Awards.
  • Stage: In theater, Close has won Tony Awards for her performances in "The Real Thing" (1984), "Death and the Maiden" (1992), and "Sunset Boulevard" (1995).

Awards and Nominations

  • Academy Awards: Glenn Close has been nominated for Oscars several times but, notably, has not won as of my knowledge cutoff date.
  • Emmy Awards: She has won multiple Emmy Awards, including for "Serving in Silence: The Margarethe Cammermeyer Story" and "Damages."
  • Tony Awards: Close is a Tony Award-winning actress, having won for her work in the aforementioned plays.
  • Golden Globe Awards: She also received Golden Globes for her work in both film and television.

Personal Life

  • Marriages: Glenn Close has been married three times and has a daughter, Annie Starke, who is also an actress.
  • Philanthropy: She is known for her charitable work, including founding Bring Change to Mind, a non-profit organization focused on mental health awareness.

Recent Work and Legacy

  • Recent Projects: More recent projects have included the film "The Wife," for which she received significant critical acclaim and another Academy Award nomination.
  • Legacy: Glenn Close is widely regarded as one of the greatest actresses of her generation, known for her intensity, preparation for roles, and her ability to bring complex characters to life.

Outside of her film career, Close is noted for her voice work, including roles in animated features and her active role in social and political causes. She has consistently utilized her platform to destigmatize conversations around mental illness, leveraged by her own family's experiences.

For a more exhaustive list of her work and recent activities, you would typically look at resources like IMDb for her filmography and news outlets or her personal website and social media profiles for updates on current projects and public engagements.

While this overview encapsulates key facets of Glenn Close's life and career up to my knowledge cutoff date, her enduring career and continued activity mean there may have been further developments in her professional or personal life post that time frame.

We've pulled together this article with a mix of research and AI - it's always worth double checking facts.